Hotpants and Heartbreak

Thursday 30 October 2008


Something very strange has happened- I write to you a changed woman. From out of nowhere, it seems, I have developed self-esteem.
I was in a changing room in Henry Street, Dublin, and it just occurred to me that my reflection was no longer something I felt uncomfortable with.
Now, I don't seem as afraid- I can say what I wanted to say without fear of rejection. When the token dickheads of the party scene get nasty, I don't murmur an awkward comeback- I flick the V's right in their faces. If a house party is wank, I can go steal the double bed with my girlfriends at 2am, without giving a fuck if people think I'm lame.
And- most importantly- when a boy tilted his head toward mine a familiar way, I wasn't hit by the usual waves of anxiety. There was just me, him and the kiss.
And it felt fucking fantastic.

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